During the last article, we made sure that your content hooks in your perfect lead. If you didn’t check it out, it’s here:
Now that we know how to format a piece of content better than 99% of writers, it’s time to keep them engaged and make them see the whole copy.
It’s not enough having them hooked in. If they get bored even for a split second… poof. They disappear in an instant.
There is no point hooking them in the first place if they do not stay for the end.
So how do we do it?
Just like Cristofor Columb checks the wind for WAVES.
Use The WAVE Test To Fix Any Content
Try to remember any quote or text, it can be short or long, that stuck with you the most throughout your life.
Got it? It probably has between 5 - 20 words max and flows smoothly when you say it.
You don’t stumble over words or go back to understand their meaning. It just flows…
“People's lives are, in many ways, filled with various things, and as they go about doing what they, at different times, decide to do, they might, at some points, not even fully understand what it is that they truly want. However, if they, at any point, desire success, it is, in all likelihood, necessary for them to continue, even when tired, as success is not something that, generally speaking, occurs instantly.”
If you read all of that, you might think I was abducted by some rat space aliens and learned their language.
This is an actual text I found in an article.
It doesn’t pass the WAVE test.
“What Actually Is This WAVE Test?”
The WAVE test works with any type of content. Every text can become a work of art if this is used. It is something you must learn.
After finishing any piece of content, ask yourself this question:'Would I say this to an actual human being in conversation?’
It’s super simple and works every single time.
Take look at this sentence:
“People's lives are, in many ways, filled with various things, and as they go about doing what they, at different times, decide to do, they might, at some points, not even fully understand what it is that they truly want.”
In a real conversation I would say something like:
People go through life doing all kinds of things, and sometimes they don’t even know what they really want.
See how that makes more sense? And how it’s much easier to read?
Let’s take another one:
“However, if they, at any point, desire success, it is, in all likelihood, necessary for them to continue, even when tired, as success is not something that, generally speaking, occurs instantly.”
After asking the question, this becomes:
If they want success, they’ll probably have to keep going, even when they’re tired, because success doesn’t usually happen right away.
See how that sounds more like something you would say to a person.
You have to test the smoothness of the WAVES. If there is at any moment a wave that interrupts the flow, you just cut it like a samurai.
The Quickest Way To Fix Any Content
There’s actually another method you can use that can massively improve any copy.
When combined with the WAVE test, it becomes a superpower…
Read your copy out loud.
See if it flows. Would you say that to an actual person?
Some sentences are long.
Some short.
What matters most in a copy is the flow. With that, any lead will get to the end of your video, article, book and so on…
Talk soon,
P.S. Want me to check, rewrite and improve your materials using the WAVE test and other principles we’ll be talking about?
Get in touch with my agency today. If we’re a good fit I will personally take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.
No cost, no obligation.
If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.
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